Shockingly, I realised, the last update to this app was September 2015! Sorry about the wait.
I’ve sent V1.4 to Apple this afternoon and with luck it may be available in a day or two now that Apple has upped their game on review times. This assumes that they accept it, of course …
The main functional change has been to do with a much improved exchange of encoded messages between us ‘agents’. 😎 In V1.4 after encoding a message, when you copy or share the message the colour information now goes with it. The result of this is that when that text is pasted back into Identicode at the other end it automatically selects the correct colour and switches to Decode. Nice. I’ve uploaded a new App Preview which you’ll be able to see on the App Store which illustrates this.
There is also much enhanced VoiceOver support so that the text fields and button actions should be much easier to comprehend than before and they are now dynamic depending on the state of the other settings. Please let me know if there are other improvements I can make to this area.
The final notable change is that it now uses Apple’s Auto Layout so that it makes the best use of the screen from the 3.5″ screen up to the iPhone 7s Plus, and whatever comes after that!