Finally – an update!

It’s been a long time but I’m still here! Rather than a set of separate posts I thought I’d bundle things into a single post. Firstly, I’m sad to say that 1000 Words is no longer available. It was my first app for macOS and it all worked fine when it was released. When I …

New look website

A very big thanks to Chris who has given my website a great makeover. It’s nicer to use, has a bit of life added to it all and even an “Easter egg” (sort of) if you have a look around.

All running fine on iOS 14

Just a quick post to say that all my iOS/iPadOS apps run fine on the iOS 14 Beta so far. I haven’t been able to try 1000 Words yet as I don’t have macOS 11 installed, but when I do I’ll be checking it out for you. I don’t suppose we will have long to …

Identicode crossword from TVC21

I was reading an old copy of the wonderful TV Century 21 and chanced upon a whole page devoted to Identicode, including a crossword! I’ve included the page below so that you can try it for yourself. Something I’ve considered adding to Identicode is text recognition using Apple’s vision framework, that way that large chunk …

WordPress 5.0

Version 5.0 of WordPress (I use it to create this blog) has been released along with a new theme, cunningly named Twenty Nineteen. I thought, let’s live on the bleeding edge shall we, so now we are!

Shiny new website

Thanks to my lovely and talented partner I now have a revamped and redecorated web site. I’ve had the previous design for about 5 years I think so it’s great to give it a facelift. It is a flexible layout that adjusts gracefully from the screen of an iPod touch to a Macintosh. It also …

A new podcast for all you Identicode fans

If you’ve downloaded Identicode already, or are thinking of buying it (go ahead, I’ll wait 😀), then you’re probably a Gerry Anderson fan, as am I. After all, it was my love of the TV Century 21 comic back in the 1960s that inspired me to write the app when I got hold of some old …

Yes – I’m still here!

I know I’ve not posted for a while with any news but with nothing to report there were no posts! However, things are happening now – quite a few things in fact. Firstly, I’m working through each of my iOS apps to ensure that they play nicely with iPhone X. So far, Bargain is ready …

Web site enhancements

Just a note that I’ve been aware for a while that my site was not Retina display savvy, but now I’ve switched my trusty Mid-2011 iMac to a Retina MacBook Pro I’m very aware! There should be changes on the way to spruce things up – when it’s done you’ll notice I’m sure.   😉

Compatibility with iOS 11

I know, I know, we’re all still on iOS 10 (even us developers), but it’s very likely that Apple will drop support for 32-bit apps in the next release of iOS. I’m happy to say that all my apps have been 64-bit ready since around 2014 so rest assured that all your Black Tablet apps …