A new feature for you secret agents out there – use the camera to grab those encrypted messages and quickly get to decoding! Previously you have had to enter the coded messages by hand but now Identicode can take advantage of the swanky tech in your device and extract the text for you and enter …
Category archives: Identicode
Touchy feely
There’s a new update to Identicode which can be enjoyed by those of you with newer phones – there is now a little physical feedback when tapping the buttons which just adds a little more realism and, let’s be honest, fun, to the app. There is also another tweak for everyone in that when you’ve …
All apps now updated!
Well, I wasn’t expecting to update everything, but due to the new website, the links in Bargain and Identicode needed updating too. Also, I’m not able to change the links on the App Store without submitting updates, so here we are! 🙂
Identicode crossword from TVC21
I was reading an old copy of the wonderful TV Century 21 and chanced upon a whole page devoted to Identicode, including a crossword! I’ve included the page below so that you can try it for yourself. Something I’ve considered adding to Identicode is text recognition using Apple’s vision framework, that way that large chunk …
Identicode V1.7 update
Good things come in threes! This update is purely to make the app much more Dark Mode friendly as Apple urge us developers to do. It’s the right thing too. Dark Mode adoption on my other two apps has been fairly standard, but given the frivolous and retro fun side to Identicode I’ve gone a …
Identicode V1.6 released
Hello everyone – an update to Identicode with a few small tweaks is now available. These changes include the removal of the name and link on the main screen as they’ve now been moved to a new Help menu, a small punctuation fix and a minimum requirement of iOS 12.
A Podcast mention for Identicode
I was surprised and thrilled the other week when Jamie Anderson (son of Gerry) and Richard James, co-hosts of the brilliant Gerry Anderson Podcast read out my email about Identicode in Pod 25. I didn’t know if it might be considered an inappropriate ‘plug’ given that it’s a third-party product (as in, not available at …
A new podcast for all you Identicode fans
If you’ve downloaded Identicode already, or are thinking of buying it (go ahead, I’ll wait 😀), then you’re probably a Gerry Anderson fan, as am I. After all, it was my love of the TV Century 21 comic back in the 1960s that inspired me to write the app when I got hold of some old …
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Bargain and Identicode now updated on the App Store
Two years after the last Bargain update, and one after that for Identicode, they have been tweaked, enhanced, freshly polished and ready for you to download. You can see what’s changed on my website, in the Release Notes or on Apple’s App Store. Note that both now require at least an iPhone 4S, rather than …
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Finally, some updates on their way to Apple!
Apologies for the delay, but I’ve started a new day job and it’s five days a week! That means less time available for apps, but have no fear – I plan to keep my apps available for the latest devices for as long as seems feasible. Because I haven’t updated some apps for at least …
Continue reading “Finally, some updates on their way to Apple!”