Updated Identicode and Pink Plaques now available

Apple have now approved the latest version of these two apps for sale. 🙂 Identicode V1.3 now has a share button allowing you to use the standard iOS share sheet to send  your coded or decoded message to fellow agents or otherwise process as you wish – perhaps filing them in your message list in the new iOS …

App updates waiting for Apple to review

Apple now have three of my apps in their queue(s) to review. Due to some unplanned last minute changes to Dicewords and Dicewords-X I have not yet sent those two to Apple but I hope that will happen in the next few days, if not then next week. Mostly all were running fine anyway but I’ve …

Preparing for iOS 9

I’m checking that all my apps will work fine with iOS 9 which is expected to be released in September. All apps have had small tweaks, a few enhancements and even a new feature or two! Mostly though I’m happy to say that everything pretty much carried on fine without the need to do anything …

Apps are looking good for iOS9

I’m now running iOS 9 and all my apps are looking good except for Identicode which looks as though it was designed for a 3.5″ screen! It will be sorted before iOS 9 is released, have no fear. I will be incorporating a few of Apple’s new features into some of the apps where it …