I find it hard to believe but here is the first announcement to the wider world of the launch of Pink Plaques – the guide and tour app I co-authored with Rose Collis. “Believed to be the first” and as far as know, it still is.
We’d independently both had the same idea and as luck would have it Rose joined the same LGBT choir, Rainbow Chorus, of which I was a member. We chatted over a beer one night after choir … and look what happened.
The content hasn’t changed since 2019 (except for very few grammar corrections) as it’s a historical guide to Brighton not a mini-Spartacus and so doesn’t need to be kept up to date. I’ve corrected a few URLs where businesses have changed but I rely on others to let me know if they find them.
I still think it’s great; Rose’s text is as touching, informative, eyebrow raising and funny as it ever was and I’ve updated the interface over the years, adding a few niceties and ensuring it works with Apple’s ever expanding range of devices. The most recent change being that it now runs as a native app on the iPad, though I’ve not redesigned it fully in that respect but at least you now get the benefit of much larger photos and the map certainly benefits from an iPad enormously, as well as any related web sites.
I’d like to think it (and me!) will still be going strong in another 9 years.