Bargain 2.5 released

Bargain icon

It’s like waiting for a bus – none for ages then two come along at once! (See previous post).

Originally, I wrote Bargain to explicitly throw away any entries in the text fields when closing the app because there were only four and they could quickly be re-entered … well, it was my first app and I didn’t want to make extra work for myself! Lazy I know.

Now though, Apple no longer permit updated apps to do this as I discovered when my recent plan to change the way the information panel animated onto the screen (a nice quick update) suddenly required me to add code to keep all the entered values when closing the app! However, Apple are right and I was being a bit of a cheapskate so now I’ve done it correctly to the benefit of you, my lovely users.

The original information panel flip was the way do do it back in 2010 (Yikes!) when I wrote Bargain, but it’s now a bit passé so I’ve replaced it with a more contemporary vertical slide. Nice.

The final change is that Bargain now requires iOS 11. In August 2019 88% of iOS users were using iOS 12 whilst 7% were using iOS 11; Bargain will run on the current version and two prior to that so the chances are you will be just fine. If not, sorry; your existing version should work fine for a while yet. 🙂